Friday 11 March 2011


Every time you dye your hair
Everything changes.
Polaroid flashes steal away
Baths of crimson red,
Sluggishly exploring your
Pulchritudinous membranes
On incandescent pictures.

Carcasses of bobs and curls,
Battling for voices,
Lay scattered and
Consigned to oblivion,
Slaughtered by
Paranoid screeching engines
And  schadenfreude.

Mother whines at
Tarnished towels,
In a marriage of
Bleach and beats
And warmth,

I woke to find
Luscious spirals
Wrapping themselves
Adoringly around me,
A thwarted panacea.

You recoiled
From maggot feasts
In your mind or
On the pavement.
And she glared at me
Through cruising blinks
On frightened eyes,
And cut it all off.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Wife Beater.

A wife beater sits, wearing a wife beater, downing a wife beater.
Slams his corpulent fists down angrily,
Demanding another,
Until the whole world goes blind.
Arguing over the purchase of over-priced tax-free minty breath,
Weeping and cackling fiercely as
Money slipped through his limp apathetic fingers,
Soot snug beneath his clammy nails.
He paddles through this familiar pool,
Laser green and indifferent,
Gasping, giggling.
Infancy creeps up, curling the tips of his desultory
Chapped and cracked lips.
Grey roots standing tall,
Armed with bulwarks
Battling time.
She sat
Pigtails and buckle shoes,
Enchanted by the decadence,
Nauseatingly thrilled at her own youth.
We are immiscible.
I gulp us down with emulsifiers but, ultimately,
We split.

Saturday 5 March 2011


I want you to be miserable like me.
I’ll hide your cream and pretend he’s mine,
Steal his long words
That made us so unhappy.

I adore your tarnished lungs,
Sluggishly inhaling boredom.
Caged in wild melodies,
I ate the key and forgot.
Three in a madman’s attic,
Rummaging through overflowing beige boxes
That tasted like pancakes and old bathrobes.
Silky ectoplasmic flesh,
Electric like his father’s stanzas,
Verses of wisdom flew like doves
And his mutilated larks.

Softly outspoken and
Caustic lichens reveal your
Amoeboid excuses,
Forgotten as the tide gulped them down
Like moribund, growler cakes, silly and tasteless.

Projections of sweet celluloid images of sweet ideals;
Sweeping proboscis lunges out from his body
Protruding, Infringing,
Selling pageless books on the side of the road,
Gasping fanatically beneath embalming helments,
Absent-mindedly kicking coffeepots on our way to seclusion,
Led to believe in joy at bus stops and romance,
Typed angrily on plastered buttons,
Clicks of misunderstanding,
Horses and carts in mixed up orders and hums
Of hazy jazz in Roman notebooks.
I'll write you off.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Three in a Studio.

Caked in face-paint,
Insignia of art,
Or merely of fear.
Clamour of yak.
Yakety yakety yak.
Aloof, a spoof,
You cackle and incriminate.

Her strokes caress,
Clumps of colour
Erode the shores of madness.
She laughs
And asks “is it alright?”
We shrug in flocks,
And gawp at charcoal brains.

And her, who sat stricken,
Conjunctivitis of perfection
Snarling from her absent eyes and
Bucolic morals,
And she always had
The thinnest paintbrush. 

Tuesday 1 March 2011


His lips quavered at the edges,
Cloaked in sepulchral balm
And tumescent tones.
Subcutaneous calamity seeps through dusty pores in
Achromatic skin ridden with dents
And crevices, in which I stored secrets that would have made you gasp.
Cold kaleidoscopic eyes,
Bore into me, Tuesdays and Wednesdays,
Prompt with taradiddle,
Histrionic in his soliloquies.
He despises me already,
I remember not why when I scurried and worried for years.
Voracious for what was left
Of his intellect.